Upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024! Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix / AVD

The first inaugural EUC World: Independence conference is officially happening October 22nd and 23rd, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Keynote speakers will include Brian Madden, Shawn Bass, and Gabe Knuth. I’m pleased to announce I will have a technical presentation of the following topic: Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) In this session, we’ll discuss Microsoft Azure as the platform to deliver automated Citrix Cloud DaaS images of Windows Operating Systems for app and desktop using PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, Pester, Azure Compute Galleries, and Citrix [...]

Microsoft Intune Lab Setup with ControlUp EdgeDX Installation Instructions (How to Deploy Edge DX and SIP Agents Through Intune!)

The following procedures were created with the assistance of ControlUp field engineering to provide installation and configuration instructions for a Microsoft Intune Lab Setup with ControlUp Edge DX Agents to be deployed through Intune! Before we get started, let me provide a bit of background information... I was recently working with a customer who had 100 ControlUp Edge DX licenses and was in the process of expanding their environment into the thousands. In order to do that, and manage the Edge DX agents at scale, the customer needed assistance building an Application Package and deploying the agents through Microsoft Intune. [...]

By |November 2nd, 2023|0 Comments

Creating Active Directory Departmental Security Groups to Randomly Add Test Users with PowerShell

In the previous example, which you can find here, I shared how to very quicky create 77 Active Directory test users based on the names of United States presidents and vice presidents. See the post: Creating Active Directory Test User Accounts with PowerShell In this post, I'll build upon the test environment previously created, showing how to very quickly create 55 Active Directory Security Groups based on common Corporate department names. Then, I'll take the 77 Active Directory test users previously created, and populate each of the groups with a random selection of 15 members per group. You can take [...]

Creating Active Directory Test User Accounts with PowerShell

Ever wanted to create a number of Active Directory test user accounts, but didn't want to use incrementing accounts like Test01, Test02, Test03, etc.? I've often used United States presidents and vice presidents for my test accounts. The usernames are far more interesting that way! For anyone who would like to do the same, I've created a very simple PowerShell script, that simply needs two lines modified at the top, to be reusable for other environments. Once run against Active Directory, you'll have 77 accounts that can be nested into groups or used for various testing functions. Check it [...]

Our Team at YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES is Growing! Meet Audrey Hodel (#YTFTE2) and Jonathan Newman (#YTFTE3)

https://youtu.be/ECu3HSeMGVM Our Team at YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES is Growing! Meet Audrey Hodel (#YTFTE2) and Jonathan Newman (#YTFTE3) Yes! I've finally done it! Hey everybody, this is Dane Young with YOUNGTECH. If you've been following me for any period of time, you may know that many of the clients and partners that I've been working with have have expressed a similar challenge. And that is the fact that I just don't have enough resources to address their demand. And many of my clients have been asking me: "Dane, when are you going to come up with a cloning machine to be able [...]

IT Departments Are Grievously Underprepared for Flexible Workstyle Demands Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisement

Just stop reading now. There I said it. If anything I write in this blog post seems unwarranted, sensational or without logical reason, you have my permission to go about your business as usual. However, if this post resonates with you, share on social media to spread the word on how we (the community) can all help weather this phenomenon. My friends know that I am not one for sensationalism, click bait, or media induced fear mongering. Due to many personal events in my life, I know first hand how contagious fear can be, and that widespread panic does very [...]

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