My EUC World: Independence Presentation from October 22 is now Online! Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix / AVD Above you will find a recording of my EUC World: Independence Session from October 22, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland!  Continue reading to learn more... The first inaugural EUC World: Independence conference just happened on October 22nd and 23rd, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Keynote speakers included Brian Madden, Shawn Bass, and Gabe Knuth. I’m pleased to announce I have recorded my technical presentation of the following topic: Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)  In this session, I discussed Microsoft Azure as the platform to deliver automated Citrix Cloud DaaS [...]

Screenshot Previews of my upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024! Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix / AVD

Above you will find two screenshots as a sneak peak of my upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Continue reading to learn more and register... Who's excited to absolutely GEEK OUT and talk at length about PowerShell Automation of Windows Images for use with Citrix DaaS or Azure Virtual Desktop?? I know as we get closer to October 22nd and 23nd, I'm getting more and more AMPED about my EUC World: Independence Session! Here's yet another sneak peek into our deep dive during my session, and what you'll learn by attending: Automation [...]

Sneak Peek of my upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024! Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix / AVD Above you will find a video sneak peak of my upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Continue reading to learn more and register... The first inaugural EUC World: Independence conference is officially happening October 22nd and 23rd, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Keynote speakers will include Brian Madden, Shawn Bass, and Gabe Knuth. I’m pleased to announce I will have a technical presentation of the following topic: Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) In this session, we’ll discuss Microsoft Azure as the [...]

Upcoming EUC World: Independence Session, October 22 & 23, 2024! Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix / AVD

The first inaugural EUC World: Independence conference is officially happening October 22nd and 23rd, 2024 in Silver Spring, Maryland! Keynote speakers will include Brian Madden, Shawn Bass, and Gabe Knuth. I’m pleased to announce I will have a technical presentation of the following topic: Automation Framework Windows Image Creation on Microsoft Azure for Citrix or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) In this session, we’ll discuss Microsoft Azure as the platform to deliver automated Citrix Cloud DaaS images of Windows Operating Systems for app and desktop using PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, Pester, Azure Compute Galleries, and Citrix [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 1

Last week I was at the Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) meetup at Citrix’s Santa Clara office and was having a discussion about Moonshot with Aaron Parker. Aaron is commonly regarded as the master of App-V and MDT, so naturally he was curious to see if I had yet used MDT to deploy the Windows Operating Systems to HP Moonshot. If you’ve not had a change to see Aaron present this content, I highly recommend you watch his Synergy/E2E session or review his content on ‘Hands off my gold image!’ MDT in fact is what I use for all my EUC [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 2

Back to Part 1: Overview and Windows 7 Image Customization Creating an MDT Application to Install AMD Catalyst Control Center Next, let’s create an application package to install the AMD Catalyst Control Center. To do this, we need to download the latest from Run the .exe to extract to a directory (cancel installation after extraction). For my environment, I’ll use ‘C:\imageprep\14.301.1001-140915a-176768C-HP-WHQL’ this is just a temporary directory that we’ll import into MDT: In the MDT console, right click Applications and click New Application: Select Application with Source Files: Type AMD for the Publisher and Catalyst Control Center for the [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 3

Back to Part 2: Creating MDT Applications and the Moonshot Task Sequence Installing and Configuring Windows Deployment Services for Unattended PXE Now for a little piece that I didn’t previously document in my MDT posts…Configuring Windows Deployment Services. Seeing that Moonshot nodes don’t have physical or virtual optical drives, we need PXE boot to get the devices on the network and connected to MDT to install the image.  This process is actually pretty straight forward, let’s get started… Open Server Manager and click Manage in the top right, then Add Roles and Features: Click Next, Next, Next. Under the Server Roles [...]

Rapid Provisioning Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Hyper-V hosts using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) – Part 1

Don't miss the YouTube video with the results at the bottom! Over the last several years, I've been deploying a LOT of Hyper-V. As a long-time VMware fan, I have to admit, System Center and Hyper-V are sorely lacking in my opinion when it comes to Host Profiles. After all, VMware makes it so easy to deploy with a common set of standard configurations. You drop the installer in, answer a couple easy questions, and within 15 minutes, you typically have a host that has the basic configuration. Then, you can simply attach it to your existing VMware vCenter server, [...]

Bay Area Citrix Users Group October 23rd Presentation – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Primer!

I was recently asked to give a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Primer at the Bay Area Citrix Users Group ( Below are the images from the slide deck along with a YouTube upload of the recorded server deployment demo!  Enjoy!! Click any image to view the full slide: 1:  2:  3:  4:  5:  6:  7:  8:  9:  10:  11:  12:  13:  14:  Click the maximize button in the YouTube video below to view full screen: 16:  17:  If you have any questions, comments, or just want to leave feedback, please do so below. Thanks for reading! –youngtech

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