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If you’ve just stumbled upon this article, I recommend you start from the beginning by clicking the Part 1 link below. For easy reading, I’ve broken this blog post into four parts:
Part 1: Microsoft SQL Server Installation 
Part 2: Management and Reporting Server Installation
Part 3: Publishing Server Installation, Registration, and Load Balancer Configuration
Part 4: Sequencing and Client Installation <– YOU ARE HERE

The next logical step is to install the sequencing components. In my topology, I have a Windows 8 Sequencer and a Windows Server 2012 Sequencer. The installation process is the same for both. I would highly recommend using virtual machines for the sequencers so you can snapshot and revert after each application installation. Follow the process below to complete the sequencer installation. Mount the App-V Installation Media, navigate to Drive:\App-V 5.0 Sequencer and launch APPV_SEQUENCER_SETUP:


Click Install:


Accept the license terms and click Next:


Click Install:


Click Close:


Launch the App-V Sequencer and familiarize yourself with the process of sequencing applications. This is a science in itself, so I will save the application sequencing process for another blog. For this environment I have sequenced Microsoft Office 2013 and uploaded it to a highly available scale out file server:


Next, we’ll import that Office 2013 package into the Management Server. Going back to the main management interface, select Packages and click Add or Upgrade Packages:


Click Browse:


Navigate to the .appv package to be imported and click Open: (There is specific guidance for SMB/CIFS server security and placement for App-V. See Microsoft documentation for reference)


Click Add:


Once imported, click Close:


Right Click and select Publish:


Click Edit next to AD Access:


Enter an Active Directory security group, click Check:


Click Grant Access and then click Close:


Review the package once imported:


Follow the steps below to complete the client installation. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x86) v8.0.61001 (vcredist_x86):


Click Yes:


For the following steps, I am installing the App-V client for use with Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS), so I will need to use the RDS client media. If using the App-V client on a thick client workstation or VDI desktop, use the standard App-V media. Mount the App-V Installation media, navigate to Drive:\App-V 5.0 Client and launch APPV_CLIENT_SETUP_RDS:


Click Install:


Accept the license terms and click Next:


Select Use Microsoft Update and click Next:


Click Install:


Click Close:


In the example below, I am pointing the client registration address to the DNS record of the Load Balanced Virtual IP (VIP) to provide high availability and load balancing. To register the client to the management server, run the following from an elevated PowerShell prompt:

Add-AppvPublishingServer -Name WS12APPV500 -URL http://ws12appv500:554
Get-AppvPublishingServer | Set-AppvPublishingServer -GlobalRefreshEnabled $true
Get-AppvPublishingServer | Set-AppvPublishingServer -GlobalRefreshOnLogon $true
Sync-AppvPublishingServer -Name WS12APPV500


Paste these commands in an elevated command prompt:


Open the App-V Client from the Start Menu and click Update:


Click the Virtual Apps section to review any assigned applications. Click Download to prestage any application packages:


After a couple minutes, the package will download to the client:


When complete, the progress bar will display green and notify that the package is Ready for offline use:


At this point, navigating to the Start Menu displays application shortcuts for Office 2013 Suite. Launching Word is a good test of functionality:


The App-V package of Word 2013 is displayed as expected:


This concludes the initial setup, configuration, and validation of the App-V 5.0 environment using Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8!  To review any section, please choose from the following:

Part 1: Microsoft SQL Server Installation 
Part 2: Management and Reporting Server Installation
Part 3: Publishing Server Installation, Registration, and Load Balancer Configuration
Part 4: Sequencing and Client Installation <– YOU ARE HERE

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to leave feedback, please do so below. Thanks for reading!


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