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I’ve not been able to nail down why the “ICA Session” performance counters are missing on several of my XenDesktop pools. Digging around I only found resolution for XenApp servers (CTX127151), and the DLL file is not in the same location for XenDesktop.


On XenDesktop virtual desktops the Performance Counter for ICA Session might be removed or not registered. This can have an adverse effect on the operation of tools and processes which rely on these performance counters, such as HDX Monitor for XenDesktop, Director, and EdgeSight System Monitoring tools.


To resolve the issue, re-register the ICA Session Performance Counters by running the following command on the effected XenDesktop virtual desktop or Master image:
regsvr32 “%programfiles%\Citrix\ICAService\icaperf.dll”

This command re-registers the performance counters in question. Upon execution, the ICA Session counters will be shown in Performance Monitor (perfmon.msc):

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or just want to leave feedback, please do so below.  Thanks for reading!


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