If you’ve just stumbled upon this article, I recommend you start from the beginning by clicking the Part 1 link below. For easy reading, I’ve broken this blog post into five parts:
Part 1: Installing the Delivery Controller(s) Components and Creating the Site
Part 2: Preparing the Master Server for Imaging < YOU ARE HERE!
Part 3: Creating the Hosting Infrastructure Connection and Deploying a Catalog from the Master Server
Part 4: Creating the Delivery Group and Publishing an Application
Part 5: Configuring StoreFront 1.3 Services and Launching a Published Application
Again, install the .Net Framework feature by launching PowerShell using Run
as Administrator and executing the following command: Add-WindowsFeature net-framework-core
For this installation, it would be best to use the hypervisor to mount the ISO as multiple reboots will be required. Launch AutoSelect.exe from the installation media and click the Start button to begin.
Review the installation options and select the Delivery Agent for Windows Server Machines option from the Agents section:
Click Yes to the User Account Control prompt:
Leave the default option Build a master image selected and click Next:
Leave the default options selected to install the Delivery Agent and Citrix Receiver. Click Next.
For each delivery controller, enter the FQDN name and click Test Connection and Add. Test connection is important to ensure DNS and Windows Firewalls are communicating properly. Click Next.
Leave all default configurations selected and click Next.
Allow Windows Firewall to be automatically configured and click Next.
Review the Summary and click Install to proceed.
Several prerequisites will be installed before the system will require a reboot. Click Close to reboot the server.
Upon reboot, the installation will automatically pick up to finalize the prerequisite installations:
Check Always trust software from “Citrix Systems, Inc.” and click Install.
Upon completion, click Finish to reboot one last time.
After a reboot, we can go ahead and begin installing applications to be published through Citrix Studio. I’ll start with my new favorite, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013! Mount the ISO, run Setup, Accept the license agreement and click Continue:
Click Install Now:
Upon install, click Close.
At this point the server can be shutdown to prepare for imaging using Machine Creation Services for server workloads!
Now we’re ready to create the hosting inrastructure connection.
To continue reading, please choose from the following:
Part 1: Installing the Delivery Controller(s) Components and Creating the Site
Part 2: Preparing the Master Server for Imaging < YOU ARE HERE!
Part 3: Creating the Hosting Infrastructure Connection and Deploying a Catalog from the Master Server
Part 4: Creating the Delivery Group and Publishing an Application
Part 5: Configuring StoreFront 1.3 Services and Launching a Published Application
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to leave feedback, please do so below. Thanks for reading!
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