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I was recently asked to present an agnostic session on “Advancements in Hypervisor Technologies” at the Virtualization Solutions Exchange, sponsored by Entisys Solutions ( Below is the description of the session, followed by the YouTube upload and images from the slidedeck.

In this presentation Dane Young (@youngtech) Systems Engineer and Jaymes Davis (@cloudprophet) Virtualization Practice Manager from Entisys Solutions discuss the advancements in hypervisor technologies. In an advanced session geared toward technologists and engineers, the presenter will discuss product development timelines and how to create synergies between virtual infrastructures and today’s leading hypervisor platforms. Key take-aways from this session include a deep understanding of the evolution of the hypervisor platform, and how this technology will continue to impact hardware and software virtualization, today and well into the future.

Prerequisites: Attendees should possess a deep understanding of the technology building blocks used to establish virtual infrastructure environments.

For more information, visit:

Click the maximize button in the YouTube video below to view full screen:

Click any image to view the full slide:

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