Just stop reading now. There I said it. If anything I write in this blog post seems unwarranted, sensational or without logical reason, you have my permission to go about your business as usual. However, if this post resonates with you, share on social media to spread the word on how we (the community) can all help weather this phenomenon.
My friends know that I am not one for sensationalism, click bait, or media induced fear mongering. Due to many personal events in my life, I know first hand how contagious fear can be, and that widespread panic does very little for society or mental health. This blog post is in no way a self-promotion or exploitation of the global impact that is being witnessed first-hand. Regardless of the realized health threat or impact of the Coronavirus; the financial, business and technical reality of the current situation is captured in the title of this post:
IT Departments Are Grievously Underprepared for Flexible Workstyle Demands Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisement
Let that set in for just a minute. Do you agree or disagree?
After you’ve taken a breath, I will explain more.
Whether you live in the United States or not, it’s a safe assumption you have been watching the advisement and warning statements issued by national health organizations like the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or international World Health Organization (WHO). Numerous upcoming IT conferences have been canceled over the last several weeks, and many are attempting to immediately shift to virtual events, which must be a tremendous undertaking. Just last evening, CDC issued a recommendation to suspend all unnecessary travel, including cruises and airline flights. Over the last couple weeks, several of my clients are already putting into action immediate plans to brace for mass adoption of flexible workstyles, spending millions of dollars in some cases.
If you didn’t see the CDC advisement, take a look at the following captured from the Interim Guidance for Business and Employers, linked here:
Working extensively in the End User Computing field for years, I know first hand that technology adoption is very limited (5-8%) which enable flexible workstyles, telework initiatives, and increasing productivity outside the brick and mortar facilities. Many of these initiatives take between 3-18 months to reach critical mass, and very few actually achieve end-to-end, wall-to-wall adoption. However, there are several technologies available, which offer near immediate time to value, and should be employed in a situation like this!
If you or your IT department are just now getting started in evaluating business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) preparedness for a Workforce Disruption scenario, you’re substantially behind. The impact to productivity loss and the global economy is threatening to be in the trillions, which will directly impact your business if action is not taken straight away to develop and implement solutions.
You need help, and you need it right now!
In discussions with many throughout the community, I know there are experienced and qualified professionals who can help you put together the right strategy for immediate time to value, and start executing it as soon as possible. Many are available right away.
Experts can help, and they can help right now!
It’s not impossible to achieve success in the midst of significant roadblocks, but you must get started right away.
At the time of writing, my team and I are operating near full capacity, so my call to action is to perform the role of services broker between those who CAN HELP and those who NEED HELP.
If either of these scenarios describe your situation, I encourage you to do something immediately. You will not be added to a mailing list, spammed or solicited by marketing. Just a simple introductory conversation, with exchange of contact details, to get help or offer help immediately, without friction. I assure you our team can help get you pointed in the right direction.
To get started, click the image that best describes your situation to start an e-mail conversation immediately.
If you want to continue this discussion, I encourage you to reply or engage on Twitter, LinkedIn, or other Social Media platforms. Lets share thoughts and ideas, how we can all help get through this unprecedented global phenomenon together.
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Thanks for reading!
Dane Young, MBA
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