Our Team at YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES is Growing! Meet Audrey Hodel (#YTFTE2) and Jonathan Newman (#YTFTE3)

https://youtu.be/ECu3HSeMGVM Our Team at YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES is Growing! Meet Audrey Hodel (#YTFTE2) and Jonathan Newman (#YTFTE3) Yes! I've finally done it! Hey everybody, this is Dane Young with YOUNGTECH. If you've been following me for any period of time, you may know that many of the clients and partners that I've been working with have have expressed a similar challenge. And that is the fact that I just don't have enough resources to address their demand. And many of my clients have been asking me: "Dane, when are you going to come up with a cloning machine to be able [...]

IT Departments Are Grievously Underprepared for Flexible Workstyle Demands Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisement

Just stop reading now. There I said it. If anything I write in this blog post seems unwarranted, sensational or without logical reason, you have my permission to go about your business as usual. However, if this post resonates with you, share on social media to spread the word on how we (the community) can all help weather this phenomenon. My friends know that I am not one for sensationalism, click bait, or media induced fear mongering. Due to many personal events in my life, I know first hand how contagious fear can be, and that widespread panic does very [...]

YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (“YOUNGTECH”) Celebrates Its One Year Birthday! Happy Birthday YOUNGTECH!

https://youtu.be/n0oSPfVVR9E If you're not in a place to watch the video and it's more convenient to read, I've transcribed the text which you can find below my signature. If you want to be notified via e-mail when new content becomes available, please... CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BLOG MAILING LIST Follow me on Twitter (@youngtech) or other social media platforms, or check back in for more news and announcements. Thanks for watching! Dane Young, MBAMy Twitter | My LinkedIn Hey, everyone. Today is a very exciting day for me. I have some very cool news to share with you. And we are [...]

And Now, The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For…Announcing My New Business Venture in Technology!

https://youtu.be/34Na-lX-5L0 Greetings! If you're not at a place you can watch the video above, I have transcribed my message which you can find below. What's up friends and followers! Today is a remarkably exciting day for me. I need your help, and I'll be brief, because I know your time is valuable. Today I'm launching for the first time ever, YOUNG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. YOUNGTECH for short. This company is the culmination of my dream and passion for the last several years, to help customers on their journey toward workspace transformation. I know that with YOUNGTECH, I can be effective, working [...]

PernixData FVP 2.5 – Quick and Painless Host-Side Read and Write SAN or NAS Storage Performance Acceleration

A year or two ago I started keeping tabs on PernixData, a Silicon Valley based storage performance acceleration startup, around the time well known and regarded industry expert Frank Denneman joined as their Chief Technologist. Frank joined several other former VMware elite including Poojan Kumar and Satyam Vaghani, the great minds behind VMware data products and creator of the Virtual Machine File System (VMFS). With such an all-star former VMware team, I knew PernixData would be bound for greatness, but I have just recently started evaluating their FVP products on my own (starting with FVP 2.0). FVP 2.5 released a [...]

Citrix WorkspacePod, an HP Moonshot Architect’s Perspective

TLDR: Citrix WorkspacePod summarized in one word: Bundling. For about the last year and a half, I have been affectionately called Mr. Moonshot among my peers and colleagues.  Thanks everyone, you're too kind! Naturally, at Citrix Summit when one of the big keynote announcements on WorkspacePod surfaced, I started getting a lot of questions. I'm no expert on DataON, so I can't comment on that particular piece. For all I knew, DataON was a commodity/whitebox storage company, and have never even really looked into their Cluster-in-a-Box (CiB) product family. Who knew! Enough about DataON, that's not the focus of this [...]

HP Discover 2014 Presentation TB3997 – Make your workforce more productive: Get the right solution, right now, for your mobile workers with HP ConvergedSystem for Client Virtualization

I recently presented a joint-session with HP and Tony Sanchez at Discover 2014 (TB3997) in Las Vegas (http://h30614.www3.hp.com/Discover). Below is the description of the session with exported images from the slide deck. Speakers: Travis Kuter, EG Alliance Manager, HP (www.hp.com) Tony Sanchez (@tonysanchez_ctx), Solutions Architect, Citrix Systems (www.citrix.com) Dane Young (@youngtech), Solutions Architect, Entisys Solutions (www.entisys.com) TB3997: Make your workforce more productive: Get the right solution, right now, for your mobile workers with HP ConvergedSystem for Client Virtualization Compute from anywhere. This is how workers get their jobs done today. Come to this session and talk to the experts from Citrix, HP, and [...]

Citrix Synergy 2014 Presentation SYN257 – The sky’s the limit with Moonshot! Insider information on implementing XenDesktop on HP’s revolutionary platform

I recently presented a session at Citrix Synergy 2014 SYN257 (http://www.citrixsynergy.com). Below is the description of the session with the attachments and images from the slide deck. Speaker Dane Young (@youngtech), Solutions Architect, Entisys Solutions (www.entisys.com) SYN257: The sky's the limit with Moonshot! Insider information on implementing XenDesktop on HP's revolutionary platform In 2013, HP began a journey to revolutionize the cloud, big data, social and mobility landscape with a new class of servers: Project Moonshot. The game has now changed with a focus on hosted desktop infrastructure (HDI), made possible with AMD x86 Accelerated Processing Unit (APU)-based cartridges. These cartridges [...]

Citrix Synergy Lunch: Breaking down the barriers to VDI from Storage to High Performance Graphics! – MUST ATTEND!

Click Here To Register for This Event! Breaking down the barriers to VDI from Storage to High Performance Graphics! The race is on for VDI perfection!! Come see NVIDIA, Atlantis Computing, and Entisys demonstrate the only solution that can provide your VDI environment with industry leading storage performance and full high definition graphics. Jaymes Davis, Cloud Computing guru, and Dane Young, Citrix CTP and EUC Architect, will be leading discussion around real world scenarios leveraging Citrix VDI technologies with NVIDIA and Atlantis. Atlantis Computing • Crazy Fast VDI – Server based RAM In-line Primary Storage for the fastest end user [...]

NVIDIA GRID Free Test Drive Hosted on Amazon AWS! GPU Tech Conference (GTC) 2014

After an amazing and full-filled week with many colleagues at NVIDIA's GPU Tech Conference (GTC) 2014, I received an e-mail inviting me to try the new 24 hour limited time GRID trial, hosted on Amazon AWS!  I decided it would be good to capture a quick video of my experience poking around, to eliminate all doubt that NVIDIA GRID can deliver a rich user experience, even from the public cloud.  Check out the video that I recorded below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smjgn38oZMo&feature=youtu.be While this video is a bit long, I wanted to cover a couple of the different applications that NVIDIA has pre-loaded [...]

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