The First Commercially Available, High Performance, Multi-Monitor Raspberry Pi for Citrix! Featuring Raspberry Pi Zero!

Last year, I showed how an inexpensive $77 endpoint could be used for Citrix and VMware virtualized environments, to drive a single 4K display. You can find that video here and full blog post here. Over the last couple years there has been a lot of buzz and excitement around the Raspberry Pi, and its application and use within a Citrix environment as a high-performance endpoint, for its low price point. As I had talked with customers, many had become disinterested, due to its inherent limitation as a single monitor (only) solution. A multi-monitor Raspberry Pi option had been made [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 1

Last week I was at the Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) meetup at Citrix’s Santa Clara office and was having a discussion about Moonshot with Aaron Parker. Aaron is commonly regarded as the master of App-V and MDT, so naturally he was curious to see if I had yet used MDT to deploy the Windows Operating Systems to HP Moonshot. If you’ve not had a change to see Aaron present this content, I highly recommend you watch his Synergy/E2E session or review his content on ‘Hands off my gold image!’ MDT in fact is what I use for all my EUC [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 2

Back to Part 1: Overview and Windows 7 Image Customization Creating an MDT Application to Install AMD Catalyst Control Center Next, let’s create an application package to install the AMD Catalyst Control Center. To do this, we need to download the latest from Run the .exe to extract to a directory (cancel installation after extraction). For my environment, I’ll use ‘C:\imageprep\14.301.1001-140915a-176768C-HP-WHQL’ this is just a temporary directory that we’ll import into MDT: In the MDT console, right click Applications and click New Application: Select Application with Source Files: Type AMD for the Publisher and Catalyst Control Center for the [...]

Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 to Deploy Windows 7 XenDesktop Master to HP Moonshot (m700, m710) Part 3

Back to Part 2: Creating MDT Applications and the Moonshot Task Sequence Installing and Configuring Windows Deployment Services for Unattended PXE Now for a little piece that I didn’t previously document in my MDT posts…Configuring Windows Deployment Services. Seeing that Moonshot nodes don’t have physical or virtual optical drives, we need PXE boot to get the devices on the network and connected to MDT to install the image.  This process is actually pretty straight forward, let’s get started… Open Server Manager and click Manage in the top right, then Add Roles and Features: Click Next, Next, Next. Under the Server Roles [...]

NVIDIA GRID Free Test Drive Hosted on Amazon AWS! GPU Tech Conference (GTC) 2014

After an amazing and full-filled week with many colleagues at NVIDIA's GPU Tech Conference (GTC) 2014, I received an e-mail inviting me to try the new 24 hour limited time GRID trial, hosted on Amazon AWS!  I decided it would be good to capture a quick video of my experience poking around, to eliminate all doubt that NVIDIA GRID can deliver a rich user experience, even from the public cloud.  Check out the video that I recorded below: While this video is a bit long, I wanted to cover a couple of the different applications that NVIDIA has pre-loaded [...]

GPU Tech Conference (GTC) 2014 Presentation – If You Build It, Will They Come? Better Question Is, Will They Stay?

I was recently asked to present an session at the GPU Tech Conference 2014, sponsored by NVIDIA ( Below is the description of the session with the attachments and images from the slide deck.  Click here to listen to the 30 minute recorded session online: Speaker Dane Young (@youngtech), Solutions Architect, Entisys Solutions ( Building on S4726 (Intro to Virtualization) and S4783 (Virtual is Better than Physical), this session will take the audience through the most crucial phases of the development lifecycle: Pilot, Production Build, and Roll-out. Regardless of your motivations and business drivers to virtualize, if users don't catch [...]

Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 Remote PC Access, HDX 3D Pro, and League of Legends and Diablo 3!

In the last several years there has been such a focus on getting to that lofty end-state of hosted desktop virtualization from the data center, that many forget to stop and think about how they can obtain real business value today! Case and point is the long forgotten option in the Flexcast model called Remote PC Access (Remote PC for short). With Remote PC, I can walk into any enterprise and tell them in less than a week they can be piloting remote access for their users with the best of breed remoting protocols! Don't you think that is a [...]

Citrix XenDesktop 7.1 HDX 3D Pro on HP’s Moonshot ConvergedSystem 100 for Hosted Desktop Infrastructure (HDI)

There's been a lot of coverage of HP's recently announced Moonshot based ConvergedSystem 100 for Hosted Desktop Infrastructure (HDI) solution.  Wow, I know, that's a lot of acronyms.  If you haven't heard much about this solution, I recommend you check out a couple links, listed below: Effective hosted desktops - HP ConvergedSystem 100 for Hosted Desktops with Citrix XenDesktop Less really can be more when it comes to desktop virtualization. 180 PC-on-a-Chip desktops HP ConvergedSystem 100 for Hosted Desktops HP ProLiant m700 Server Cartridge HP Moonshot System Family Guide Now, after reading all of those guides, you should now be an [...]

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