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Today marks a significant milestone in my career and professional life as a Citrix advocate and virtualization evangelist! Thanks to the support of many CTPs and professionals in the community, the powers that be at Citrix have decided to award me and nine IT Pros the admirable title of Citrix Technology Professional (CTP)! Taking into account recent awardees and those exiting the program (including @BrianMadden…read more here), there are now 48 of us internationally (more here)! Wow.

To say that I am honored and humbled to be awarded this title and privilege is putting it lightly. To be honest, I felt when I applied that being awarded *this year* was a long shot. This recognition has been on my “IT bucket list” for the last three years! I hope for all of you out there using or advocating Citrix and virtualization technologies that I can live up to the legacy that has been set before me by the legends previously and currently in the program. Most importantly, I am looking forward to opportunities to potentially present at Citrix User Groups, Citrix Synergy, BriForum, and maybe someday E2EVC!!

This blog post is to say “thank you” to the many industry professionals who have encouraged me to go for it and always leap first, ask questions second! Among others, a special thank you to the following:

Bill Alderson Thad Morrow Jarian Gibson Simon Bramfitt
Doug Brown Denis Gundarev Scott Cochran Tony Pimper
Mike Strohl John Smith Kees Baggerman Brian Paine
Adam Shore Shawn Bass Mark Vinokur Rich Crusco
Jaymes Davis Carl Webster Cris Lau Helge Klein
Matt General Aaron Parker Thomas Poppelgaard Shane Kleinert
Andy Sulak Gabe Carrejo Jeff Nichols My Family

Read more about the CTP award here:…Citrix is pleased to announce the 2013 Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) awardees! Please join us in welcoming our newest members to the CTP program and family:

If you want to leave any comments or feedback, please do so below. Thanks for reading and here’s to another great year in 2013!


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